Ramadan is a month of religious worship and spiritual purification for Muslims.
A significant part of this practice is dry fasting from sunrise to sunset, where
perseverance is challenged through abstaining from all food and drink.

Adhering to foods with a low glycaemic index, high fibre, and high protein will
help to stabilise blood sugar levels while keeping satiety and consistent energy
levels while fasting. Incorporating supplements or superfoods into your regime
throughout Ramadan will amplify your nutrient consumption and create more
capacity for energy expenditure.

The ultimate super food, to not only make part of your Ramadan practice, but
also your diet and lifestyle, is Himalayan shilajit resin. This mineral rich resin,
contains over 85 trace minerals, which work synergistically along with its high
fulvic acid concentration, and antioxidants, to optimise the functionality various
body systems.

One of the most significant roles of fulvic acid here, is its job of carrying and
delivering nutrients to the cell. Therefore, consuming shilajit resin will ensure
uptake of nutrients by cells to utilise its therapeutic potential and reap all the
benefits from the food you are consuming. This is especially important during
fasting, to maximise energy output and prevent nutrient loss.

With a high mineral content, shilajit resin also makes for an excellent source of
electrolytes. Dry fasting means decreased hydration, which will compromise the
electrolyte balance, essential for metabolism, water balance regulation, muscle
contraction, and nerve function.

Supplementing with shilajit resin will create the longevity and endurance
required to get the optimal outcome from your Ramadan practice. You will come
out of Ramadan with increased energy levels, clarity of mind, peak physical
performance and functionality.